Managing the Blog
Optional module
The blog layout displays all visible (and hidden) blog posts, blog category and number of views for each post. To make a blog post visible on your website click ‘Hidden’ button. The button will change to ‘Visible’. Visible blog posts will be displayed on your website, in reverse chronological order.
Add / Edit Blog Posts
Adding a Blog Post is as simple as adding the title. This should be descriptive about the post as the title is used to generate a unique URL for the post.
All elements of a blog post can be edited, as well as a specific image for the post.
When editing, ensure that you save the changes before switching to a different tab, to unsure that your changes are not lost. The Blog Author is an optional field that will not display if left empty. The number of views for the blog post can be modified here if required. The value will increment automatically on each unique IP address view of the blog post.
Some tabs may not be required for your website so may be disabled.
Blog Image
A specific image can be added to your blog post. This will display at the top of the post and in the post listing pages.
The main image will display according to yoru site design. Further images can be added through the content area.